I have debated this with myself soooo many times. I personally made the current cover for Sapphire Universe. I am NOT a graphic designer and just had to do the best I could because I didn't even know where to begin to get a professional cover made. Let me be clear. I do like the cover that SU currently has, but here is the problem;
I have had two people on Goodreads add my book and then stop reading it to give it 1 or 2 stars because they thought it was a Paranormal Romance or an Urban Fantasy, only to discover that it was Contemporary Romance. I have even had people think it was a thriller or horror. This is not good. I do not want to mislead anyone.
Have you ever heard the saying, "Never judge a book by its cover?" Well that's a load of crap. EVERYONE judges books by their covers. It's what draws you in. First you pick a book that catches your eye, then you read the blurb, and then you read the reviews, and then you buy it. Almost everyone I know shops for books this way. It's human nature to single out the best looking item. And if you're out trolling for Contemporary Romance novels, you scan for books with a specific look to them. This can range from half naked men, to a sexy couple in a compromising position, to a simple picture of two people holding hands. There are lots of options, but for the most part there is a theme.
So, I have decided to have a professional make the cover for me. Actually, I had a new friend and author approach me about this, and it just so happens her husband is a graphic designer. Richard Luciano has graciously offered to design Sapphire Universe a brand spankin new cover!!! I am really VERY excited about this. I know there are some readers who love the current cover, but I really need to keep the book's best interest in mind. The good news is, I know you will all love the new one just as much if not way more, so we all win. If you want to see a sample of his work, check out his wife Beth Michele's book here: