Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Today is the last day that Sapphire Universe is on sale for only 99 cents!!! Go!  Get off your couch and get it!!!!

Monday, February 25, 2013

Author interview and Giveaway!!!

The brilliant Sophie of Smitten's Book Blog has written a wonderful 5 star review of Sapphire Universe, and has featured it and an interview with yours truly on her blog page!!

That's NOT all folks!! She is also hosting an ebook giveaway!! All you have to do is "like" my Facebook page and your in!!!

Check it out here:


Friday, February 22, 2013


For the next five days Sapphire Universe is on sale for only .99 cents on Amazon and Barnes and Noble!!!

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Teaser Time!!!

As you all know I am currently working hard at writing Dark Universe.  Let me tell you, you are going to laugh your buns off at Lola and swoon over Drake.  I promise you will love this book!  Here is a cute little scene from Chapter 3.  This is not edited so if you see minor errors, please don't send me hate mail :)

“Are you saying there isn’t anything going on between us?” I whisper huskily. He freezes and I bite back my giggle. “Because I thought we had some serious…” I lick my lips and glance down at his. “…chemistry.” Drake looks down at my lips and swallows. I swear I see sweat trickle down his neck and he swallows again harshly, breaking my poker face. I burst out laughing and slap him on the shoulder. “You should see your face.” I stutter through my cackling. “You looked absolutely terrified!” Tears are now streaming down my face and I bend at the waist clutching my side in hysterics.

I finally stop laughing and manage to look at Drake and his eyes are smoldering. He steps forward and brings his hand to my face and brushes his thumbs across my cheeks. My skin flames under his touch and the air I was taking in gets stuck in my chest. “Lola.” He breathes, blowing his hot breath across my face, causing the skin on my neck to pebble deliciously. “You…” He pauses and leans in closer, still brushing my cheeks gently. He looks directly in my eyes and brings his other hand up to mirror the one he placed on my face. “…have mascara, all over your face.” He deadpans. Mother fucker!

I blink stupidly, before coming fully out of his trance. I just got punked. That bastard just beat me at my own game. Shit. This one is going to be a handful. I can’t wait.

Thursday, February 7, 2013

So far...

Sapphire Universe has sold 13 ebooks to date.  It currently has five-5 star reviews and six-5 star ratings!!!  This is such a fantastic start for my debut novel and I hoping this success grows in the next few years.  If you have been keeping in touch with me on facebook and twitter you will notice that I decided to give away 10 signed hardcover copies of Sapphire Universe to the first 10 people who review it.  The rules are...There are no rules.  All you have to do is write an honest review and rate the book based on your personal reading experience.  Unless you decline, you will get a copy mailed to you.  I don't have the copies yet so be patient with me but I promise you it will happen.

I am 7,000 words into book 2 which I have titled Dark Universe.  This book will be centered around Lola and Drake from book 1.  I have already finished the cover and will probably post some sort of challenge to get it posted early.  And I'm hoping to have it published by November 2013.

I have started querying for representation and will wait patiently for the responses.  The agents usually take anywhere from 4-8 weeks to respond so I'll just be keeping my fingers crossed. 

Also I am in need of one more trusted beta reader.  If you are interested in this please send me a message on Facebook with your name and location, your email address and an approximate number of books you read in a month and any other special qualities that you think would make you a good fit.

As always,
Much Love ♥
Devon Herrera

Monday, February 4, 2013

Book #2

In case you don't know already, Sapphire Universe will have a sequel.  There will be three books in what I have dubbed "The Universe Series."  Book #2 centers around Lola and Drake.  Lola is Nina's (heroine from book 1) best friend and Drake is her sort-of love interest.  I started writing book #2 yesterday and I am hoping for an October release date.  We will see how that goes. 

If you haven't already, be sure to go and purchase Sapphire Universe on Amazon or Smahswords for $2.99.  This cheaper price wont last forever so get it while it's hot.

Much Love ♥

Sunday, February 3, 2013


Hello All!

Sapphire Universe is now available for purchase on Amazon and Smashwords for $2.99. 
Here are the links: http://www.amazon.com/Sapphire-Universe-The-Series-ebook/dp/B00B9L2B56/ref=sr_1_1?s=digital-text&ie=UTF8&qid=1359937156&sr=1-1&keywords=Sapphire+Universe and https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/279847

Smashwords sells all file types so you can read on practically any device. 

Over the next week it will be distributed to Barns and Noble, Sony, Apple, Kobo and other venders.  I will post these links when as it happens.

I will only ask one thing of all my readers.  PLEASE.  Pretty please with a cherry on top, WRITE AN HONEST REVIEW.  I don't care if you loved, hated, sort-a liked it or are indifferent.  Tell me about it in a review. 

I am so crazy excited for everyone to read this book and want to thank everyone who gives it a try.

In other news:  The 49ers are going to kick some Raven ass. 

Much love ♥